InvVEST, a nonprofit organization, is looking to create change in the present by looking to the future through the promotion of sustainable energy practices. Endorsed by Dr. Bruce Hutton, dean emeritus at the Daniels School of Business and board advisor of the organization, invVEST now seeks student leaders at DU.
InvVEST also promotes sustainability in high schools as well as the general community. InvVEST stands for invest in energy that is sustainable through virtual collaborative teams, said Probir Ghosh, president and former DU student, and Tanya Lehman, invVEST education ambassador to DU. InvVEST aims to affect the public's consciousness about sustainable behaviors and to advocate sustainable living.
The emphasis is placed on ways to fuel economic growth, aid the environment, and establish a safe future for the next generation. "One of our key initiatives is to work with education institutions collaboratively to increase awareness around the urgency of energy transition," said Ghosh. "We believe that the education community, especially universities that are turning out our next generation of leaders, can be the game changer our nation needs to enable a timely energy transition."
In Ghosh's mind, DU is a logical choice to be one of the universities invVEST works with because of other existing sustainability campaigns on campus. By working with the DU Sustainability Council, invVEST seeks to create a network of resources. This network creates the easiest means for communication among like-minded individuals looking to make the concept of sustainability a reality, said Ghosh.
Some students are already committed to bringing about change. Juniors Abhi Ramaswami and Ramnath Selagamsetti and senior Anandi Ramaswami all joined invVEST to bring awareness to campus and to put awareness into action. When he announced DU's sustainability initiative a few months ago, Chancellor Coombe stated that universities are agents of change and can show the way for others to follow, signaling an approval of sorts for sustainability initiatives on campus.
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